You might not realize it, but Southern Iowa Electric Cooperative isn’t just another electric utility company. It’s a cooperative, and that means members like you have a say in how it’s run. During SIEC’s annual meeting you can vote for fellow members to represent you on the board of directors, or even run yourself. In addition, SIEC also has a member advisory committee. SIEC organized our first advisory group on October 23, 2008. Our advisory committee meets two times a year, and our co-op directors and employees listen to their feedback on a variety of topics. Members learn the basics about rate structure, co-op history, and the products and services SIEC offers. Our advisory committee serves as a sounding board to evaluate and make suggestions for cooperative programs and activities. As members rotate off the committee, the board of directors reviews new candidates. Their selection is based on geographic dispersion, occupation, age or other demographics to attract a representative sample that is similar to our overall co-op membership. SIEC feels this is a win-win situation—it’s good for the co-op and our members. We truly care about our members and want to serve them to the best of our ability. SIEC’s motto is “You have a voice with us” that’s because your opinion matters to us!