How might On-Peak Demand impact me? On-Peak Demand is the amount of power needed to supply every electrical device running in your home within a 1 hour interval during the On-Peak hours. We have a new tool for our members; it’s a “Demand Calculator” and it’s easy to use! By selecting appliances from the calculator that you might be using in a 1 hour period during the On-Peak hours, you can measure the impact on your monthly bill. This allows you to better understand how to shift or stagger usage of appliances during the OnPeak hours. Remember On-Peak Demand Hours are from…7:00-8:00 AM and 4:00-8:00 PM Monday thru Friday. The rest of the week, weekends and holidays there is not an On-Peak Demand Charge.
Note: In the Demand Calculator, the Customer Related Fixed Charge is set at $46.00. The energy usage for the month is calculated at 1200 kWh @ .0964 cents. This represents an average household’s monthly electric use. Now, as you turn on and off various appliances you can see how that will affect your total monthly bill if you use them during the On-Peak hours. The values shown in this Demand Calculator are estimated and for information purposes only.