In 2007, the State Legislature passed Iowa Code 103; establishing a program of electrician licensing and inspection of electrical installations throughout the state. The licensing program began in January 1, 2008 and the inspection program began in March 1, 2009. The primary goal of Iowa Code 103 is to improve public safety by ensuring that buildings in which people live and work, have electrical systems which meet or exceed the National Electrical Code (NEC). This goal is achieved through electrician licensing and electrical inspections. These inspections will be carried out by local electrical inspectors and by state electrical inspectors in all areas that do not have local inspectors.
Members may want to contact a licensed electrician before obtaining any permits themselves. A licensed electrician should be able to tell them what permit they can and cannot pull.
Effective July 1, 2012 the State suspended mandatory electrical inspections on a "farm facility" which has been defined as a building or structure located on a farm other than a residential, industrial, or public-use building or facility. If you feel your structure falls under a "farm facility" you will need to sign a "Certification of Exemption from State Electrical Inspection Program and Compliance with applicable Codes" notice. This form is available through our Operations Department. For more information go to
Electrical Inspectors in our area:
Appanoose, Davis & Wapello County...Brad Hearn...515-238-0515
Van Buren County...Eric Rowley...319-572-3545